SolMan Training courses will let you know all the functionality of SAP® Solution Manager. The courses of SolMan Training have 5 modules:
Basic Knowledge
Implementation and Operation
Run SAP®
SAP® NetWeaver technology allows you to align the existing platform to your business needs. With SAP® NetWaver you can take a quantum leap and evolve from your existing IT infrastructure to an IT infrastructure that is much more cost-effective, with notable improvements in efficiency and greater flexibility. The use of SAP® NetWeaver will allow you to consolidate heterogeneous systems, applications and data to simplify your company's IT environment. The improvement in efficiency proposed by SAP® NetWeaver will allow you to redirect your resources from operational tasks to strategic areas and innovation, generating important competitive advantages for your company. SAP® NetWeaver courses are offered in 10 modules:
Basic Knowledge
SNW Programming Core I
SNW Programming Core II
SNW Programming Web Apps
E-Curriculum ABAP Programmer
E-Curriculum BI Specialist
Cross Component Role: User & Security Role
SAP® Testing Tools
Platform Technology
Technology Associate Professional